

据澳洲媒体报道,随着近日昆士兰州NAPLAN 考试成绩的陆续公布,备受广大家长关注的新一年“2019昆州中小学排名”也新鲜出炉啦!

🔺图片来源:The Courier Mail





根据最新公布的成绩显示,位于Ascot街区的St Margaret 's Anglican Girls School小学成绩超过了两所公立学校——Rainworth State School和Ashgrove state School,拔得“2019年昆士兰州最佳小学排名”的头筹

2019年昆士兰州最佳小学(Primary School)排名前25

1. St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, Ascot
2. Rainworth State School, Rainworth
3. Ashgrove State School, Ashgrove
4. St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, Corinda
5. Indooroopilly State School, Indooroopilly
6. Sunnybank Hills State School, Sunnybank Hills
7. Somerville House, South Brisbane
8. Eagle Junction State School, Clayfield
9. Anglican Church Grammar School, East Brisbane
10. Wishart State School, Wishart
11. A B Paterson College, Arundel
12. Cannon Hill Anglican College, Cannon Hill
13. St Peters Lutheran College, Indooroopilly
14. Ironside State School, St Lucia
15. Chapel Hill State School, Chapel Hill
16. Robertson State School, Robertson
17. Brisbane Boys’ College, Toowong
18. Fig Tree Pocket State School, Fig Tree Pocket
19. St Columba’s Primary School, Wilston
20. The Southport School, Southport
21. Moreton Bay College, Wynnum West
22. Good News Lutheran School, Middle Park
23. Kenmore South State School, Kenmore
24. Whitsunday Anglican School, Beaconsfield
25. Yorkeys Knob State School, Yorkeys Knob


BRISBANE Girls Grammar School在今年的NAPLAN考试中摘掉了该州表现最好高中排名的桂冠,延续了该校往年的连胜势头。

邻近的Brisbane Grammar School紧随其后,位于最佳中学排名第二,其次是Brisbane State High School, St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School 和 All Hallows’ School。

据报道,BRISBANE Girls Grammar School的校长 Jacinda Euler为学生们在NAPLAN考试中“始终保持优异”的成绩感到骄傲。她表示,BRISBANE Girls Grammar School的学生都能认真对待学业,学校也鼓励这些女孩子们在考试中发挥自己的最佳水平,从而让学校和每一位学生都能得到优异的成绩。


2019年昆士兰州最佳中学(High School)排名前25

1. Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Brisbane
2. Brisbane Grammar School, Brisbane
3. Brisbane State High School, South Brisbane
4. St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, Corinda
5. All Hallows’ School, Brisbane
6. Somerset College, Mudgeeraba
7. St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane
8. St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, Ascot
9. Ormiston College, Ormiston
10. St Peters Lutheran College, Indooroopilly
11. Anglican Church Grammar School, East Brisbane
12. Mt St Michael’s College, Ashgrove
13. Somerville House, South Brisbane
14. Townsville Grammar School (North Ward), Townsville
15. Cannon Hill Anglican College, Cannon Hill
16. Hillbrook Anglican School, Enoggera
17. Mansfield State High School, Mansfield
18. A B Paterson College, Arundel
19. Sunshine Coast Grammar School, Forest Glen
20. St Rita’s College, Clayfield
21. All Saints Anglican School, Merrimac
22. Sheldon College, Sheldon
23. Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School, East Ipswich
24. Matthew Flinders Anglican College, Buderim
25. Ipswich Grammar School, Ipswich




布里斯班南区小学(Primary School)NAPLAN成绩排行榜前10位:

St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School: 5278 分
Sunnybank Hills State School: 5256 
Somerville House: 5235 
Anglican Church Grammar School: 5150 
Wishart State School: 5140 
Cannon Hill Anglican College: 5132 
Robertson State School: 5116 
Good News Lutheran School: 5093 
Moreton Bay College: 5093 
MacGregor State School: 5065 

布里斯班南区中学(Secondary School)NAPLAN成绩排行榜前10位:

Brisbane State High School: 6215 
St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School: 6188 
Anglican Church Grammar School: 6050 
Somerville House: 6043 
Cannon Hill Anglican College: 6036 
Mansfield State High School: 6019 
Moreton Bay College: 5896 
Brisbane School of Distance Education: 5892 
Cavendish Road State High School: 5892 
Loreto College Coorparoo: 5890 







澳大利亚 布里斯班

地址:Level 10, 110 Mary St. , Brisbane, QLD , 4000

电话:+61(0)7 31728046

营业时间:09:30 - 17:30

中国 广州


联系人:Tao Wu
